Unraveled Academy

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2022 Unraveled Artist of the Year: Bree Friesen

Every single day, we are blown away by the talent at Unraveled Academy– we are a small community, but the talent here is bursting at the seams. Every week we feature beautiful works of art from the talented artists who call Unraveled home and in 2022– our goal is to not just share art, but also the incredible humans who create them. These people are more than just our Artists of the Year– they are family, and their work covers every inch of our walls… and their hearts can be felt in every corner of this home we call, Unraveled.

Meet: Bree Friesen.

Bree Friesen Photography
2022 Unraveled Artist of the Year

Bree Friesen
website / instagram / self-portraits

“What’s your go-to gear?”

Portraits: Canon R5, Canon EF35mm 1.4, Canon EF85mm1.2
Underwater: Canon 5D Mark IV, Aquatech Elite Housing, 24-70mm 2.8

"How long have you been doing photography?"

14 years! I was a hobbyist from 2007-2015.

"What do you primarily shoot?"

I have gone back to being a hobbyist this year. I shoot portraits of myself and others, and underwater portraits.

"Who is a photographer that inspires you?"

Self Portraits: Shannon Tomasik
Underwater: Lexi Laine

"Outside of photography... who are you?"

Thats hard, because so often I feel like photography IS my identity! I am Mom to two teenage girls, which is my most important job! At first meet I am introverted, self doubting, hiding in the corner. Once you know me, I love to joke and have fun, I am compassionate and a great listener. I feel things deeply, but I go to great lengths to disguise it, instead I share my feelings in my photos. I have no other creative outlets or talents really, photography is the love of my life.

"How do you get through creative ruts?"

If I'm honest, my creative ruts don't happen like they used to. I think it is because I learned that you can't force it. I am not a slave to the grind, so I am fine to take breaks during less creative times. Art isn't meant to be on a deadline, it isn't meant to be shared every.single.day. Its ok to let it come to you!

"Has there ever been a time when you wanted to quit photography?"

So many times. But as I said, it IS my identity, so I could never quit.

"Describe to us your dream shoot!"

A shark free tropical body of water, for an underwater shoot. And since this is a dream, I will add a quirky celebrity, such as Lady Gaga, Sia, or Pink. Then, I'd get hella nervous and have to cancel. lol

"The worst advice you've ever gotten as a photographer?"

That you have to make money to be a successful photographer. Success is not always monetary.

"One piece of advice you would give to every photographer?"

That is ok to be a hobbyist! Your passions don't always have to make you money.

"Proudest you've been of yourself as a photographer?"

Quitting my business, and choosing to wave my weirdo flag.

"Where do you get your inspiration from?"

The top 5 things to get my creative juices flowing are: quotes, water, TV/Movie cinematography (especially The Handmaids Tale!), Sia and hidden messages I want to share.

"How do you deal with imposter syndrome and comparison?"

I am so dedicated to doing my own unique thing, I no longer have anyone to compare to! I tried SO HARD to be an amazing family photographer. I forced it for 13 years. During that time, I felt subpar, inept and full of self doubt. I now understand it was because I was forcing something that wasn't meant for me. Being true to myself has made all the difference.

"Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?"

Always with a camera. Hopefully swimming with mermaids, somewhere warm and beautiful!

As artists, we are the first to pick apart our work... even when we receive awards like "Artist of the Year!" It's time for a little self-love... tell us something you really love or admire about yourself as a photographer and your work!

I'm proud that I've learned to be true to my own art. Simple as that :)
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde

Bree Friesen
website / instagram / self-portraits

Thank you Bree for sharing your art, but also so much of your heart with us! We are so lucky to have you here!

If you love Bree, check out her course with Unraveled: Underwater Portraiture with Bree Friesen!

We love you Bree!
-Sarah, Melissa and Ace (the Unraveled team)